The study of the relation between OH/Fe of polymeric ferric sulfate and flocculation efficiency
Received date: 2000-07-10
Online published: 2010-10-01
The relation between the OH/Fe and the f locculation ef ficiency has been obtained by the ex perimental studies of flocculation ef ficiency of PFS, and by testing the result of the ζelect ricity of two different OH/Fe PFS, the flocculation mechanism of PFS was analy zed.
XIE Liping, XU Xiangrong, ZENG Fan . The study of the relation between OH/Fe of polymeric ferric sulfate and flocculation efficiency[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2001 , 21(1) : 26 -28 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2001.21(1).26
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