CE analysis of the dissolvable sulfide in wastewater

  • 1. Technical Commi ttee, Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group Co. , Panzhihua 617067, China;
    2. Materials Supplies Dept. , Panzhihua Iron and Steel(Group)Co. , Panzhihua 617023, China;
    3. Panzhihua Iron and Steel Research Institute, Panzhihua 617000, China

Received date: 1999-09-11

  Online published: 2010-10-01


A method of indirect ult raviolet determinat ion of dissolvable sulfide in water with a electrolyte by capillary zone electrophrosesis (CZE)is described.The proposed method has been used for the determination of dissolvable sulfide in wastewater with satisfactory results.

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HUANG Ziliang, ZHENG Guoxing, WANG Xuemei . CE analysis of the dissolvable sulfide in wastewater[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2000 , 20(2) : 38 -39 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2000.20(2).38


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