A study on synergistic inhibition effect and mechanism of MoP—U for carbon steel in 22.4% brine
Received date: 1999-11-10
Online published: 2010-10-01
The synergistic inhibition effect and mechanism of MoP—U for carbon steel in 22.4% brine have been studied by means of weight loss,surface observation,polarization curves,argonion engraving and XPS.The results reveal that 50%MoP—50%U(XM—606)has remarkable synergistic inhibition effect for carbon steel in 22.4% brine.XM—606 is a mixed inhibitor.The inhibitor film which mainly consists of Zn3(PO4)2、FePO4Fe2O3、MoO2、N[CH2CH2OPO(OH)2]3 and (CH2)6N4 is a precipitation film.
Key words: MoP inhibitor; urotropine; synergistic effect; inhibition mechanism
GUO Liangsheng, HUANG Nishang, YU Xingzeng, QIU Furong, SHI Xiaoyan . A study on synergistic inhibition effect and mechanism of MoP—U for carbon steel in 22.4% brine[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2000 , 20(3) : 24 -26 . DOI: 1011894/1005-829x.2000.20(3).24
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