Investigation on the affecting factors on corrosion using wastewater fromrefinery plant as circulating cooling water

  • Development Center of Environmental Science and Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, the University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249,China

Received date: 2001-08-03

  Online published: 2010-10-01


The investigations of the corrosion under three conditions of sing le ion, multiple ions and complicatedwater system using wastewater from refinery plant as circulating cooling water have reached some conclusions.The major af fecting factors on co rrosion are the characteristics of ions, the fo rmation of coating and the diffusionrate of dissolved oxy gen.The rate of corrosion st rongly depends on the to tal ef fects of thei r cooperation and competition.And the characteristics of ions have the strongest ef fect among of the three factors, for example thecorrosions of Cl,Ca2+and CO32-are stronger than any o ther ions.The range of conductivity in w hich the corrosionreadily occurs is 0.1 ~ 2.0 mS/cm.Under the condit ions of low conductivity, the corrosion rate of steel alway s displays higher value, contradictorily under the conditions of high conductivity

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HUANG Jie, ZHANG Zhongzhi, JI Ling, WU Fangyun . Investigation on the affecting factors on corrosion using wastewater fromrefinery plant as circulating cooling water[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2002 , 22(2) : 9 -11 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2002.22(2).9


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