Treatment of the circulating cooling sewagein the power plant by using NF membrane
Received date: 2001-03-18
Online published: 2010-10-01
T he nanof iltrat ing ( NF) membrane w hich has been used for treat ing the circulating cooling sew age inheat pow er plant s is int roduced briefly. NF can effect ly remove the suspended part icles, and low er the total hardnessand reduce the salt content in the circulating cooling sew age. The removal of the total disolved solid( T DS)and the total hardness are above 90%, and that of the salt content is more than 80%. T he quality of treated watercan meet the requirements of industrial use and supply ing water of circulating cooling. The treatment of thecirculat ing cooling sewage in heat pow er plant is feasible to use nanofiltrat ing membrane sof tening equipment.T he t reated water can be reused in supplying systems. It could great ly decrease water consumpt ion and drainagequantity of indust ry wastewater. It w as a promising technolog y for water-saving and zero discharge in the fuelpow er plant.
WANG Jin, SHI Cheng, WANG Xiaochang . Treatment of the circulating cooling sewagein the power plant by using NF membrane[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2002 , 22(2) : 17 -19 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2002.22(2).17
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