Technology of oil-bearing wastewater treatment in the China Great WallAluminium Company

  • Water and Electricity Plant,China Great Wall Aluminium Company,Zhengzhou 450041,China

Received date: 2001-10-15

  Online published: 2010-10-01


The feasibility of dealing w ith the oil-bearing wastewater in alumina smelting manufacture by usingscooping oil out skimming oil  isolating oil  coagulating gas floatage in accordance with the property of the oilbearingwastew ataer, and the conditions of China Great Wall Alumina wastewater dealing process as well as thewater quality have been analysed.The process of it has also been analysed.Af ter several years running, i t show sthat the f loating oil and soluble oil can be dislodged from the water, the ratio of deoil can reach about 98 %.Theconcent ration of the oil is lower than 10 mg/ L(national wastewater unloading standard).This process initiates anew way for wastewater dealing.But, this process also has some problems in practical design and running management.It will be perfect step by step.

Key words: oil; suspension; wastewater

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LI Jinju . Technology of oil-bearing wastewater treatment in the China Great WallAluminium Company[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2002 , 22(2) : 54 -56 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2002.22(2).54


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