The study and application of chemical treatment agent for heating water

  • Ji Hua Enviromental Protection Limited Co., Jilin 132021, China

Received date: 2000-03-06

  Online published: 2010-10-01


Add corrosion and scale inhibitor JHH-702 into hot water heating system for four months, the rate of corrosion inhibition is 96.4%,the rate of adhesion is lowered to 17 mcm, the cost of chemical only is 0.015 yuan/m3. By the investigation of fifty groups of not hot or slightly hot heat supply units, the results show that after JHH-702 has been used 30% heat supply units return to normal, more than 55% units achieved results.

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JIANG Shukuan . The study and application of chemical treatment agent for heating water[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2000 , 20(6) : 26 -27 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2000.20(6).26

