Application of the inter-loopaerobic three-phase fluidized bed to the treatment of middle-stage effluentin paper mills
Received date: 2002-01-08
Revised date: 2002-01-08
Online published: 2010-10-01
The treatment of middle-stage effluent in paper mills with inter loopaerobic three-phrase fluidized bedis carried out.After aperiod of domestication,the character sofdis charged water are stable.The COD removal rate keeps higher than65%,which in dicates that the system could sustain the variation of input load.The increase of[Cl-]ineffluentimpliedthe biofilm could biodegrad echloroa romatic component sincert a indegree after domestication.The best ratioof liquid-gas should be controlled betweent/120and1/140.Theout flow off luidizedbed is treated by flocculation,and the final drains COD is60~80mg/L,BODis50~60mg/L,chroma is 100~150CU,volatility-hydro xybenzene is less than 0.0265mg/L.
Shu Mingjun, Li Youming, Xie Cheng, Chen Zhonghao . Application of the inter-loopaerobic three-phase fluidized bed to the treatment of middle-stage effluentin paper mills[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2002 , 22(5) : 24 -27 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2002.22(5).24
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