Investigation on supercritical water oxidation of paper making wastewater
Received date: 2000-04-21
Online published: 2010-10-01
Supercri tical water oxidation of paper making wastewater is investig ated in a batch pressure reacto rat 250~440℃ and 20~24 M Pa. The removal rate of TOC of the wastew ater could be more than 99%. The effects of temperature and oxidant concentration on the removal rate of TOC of the wastew ater have been studied.
Key words: supercritical water; oxidation; paper making wastew ater
DAI Hang, HUANG Weihong, QIAN Xiaoliang, LU Xiaohua . Investigation on supercritical water oxidation of paper making wastewater[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2000 , 20(8) : 23 -25 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2000.20(8).23
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