Researches on the optimization of determinating conditions of free residual chlorine in drinking water

  • Yizheng Chemical Fiber CO. LTD Water Supply Disposal Plant, Yizheng 211900, China

Received date: 2000-04-13

  Online published: 2010-10-01


All factors affecting the determination of free residual chlorine have systematically studied. In addition, the best opera tional conditions have been optimized. Under these conditions, the recovery rate of the free residual chlorine in three water samples are 96.7% to 99.8%. These result s are very consistent with Drinking Water Standardized Testing Method 37.3-Tit rimetric Analysis.

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YANG Zhengfu . Researches on the optimization of determinating conditions of free residual chlorine in drinking water[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2000 , 20(8) : 31 -32 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2000.20(8).31


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