Scale and corrosion inhibition of water stabilizer GX series and their application

  • Shijiazhuang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Shijiazhuang 050000, China

Received date: 2002-04-26

  Online published: 2010-10-01


The scale inhibition of water stabilizer GX- 101 and the corrosion inhibition of water stabilizer GX- 102 have been evaluated and applied. The results indicates that water stabilizer GX- 101 and GX- 102 have excellent effect on scale and corrosion inhibit ion performances. They are of good economical benefit with pretty sat isfactory results in the circulating cooling water system.

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YANG Cuiling, LI Shuchao, LIU Wenge . Scale and corrosion inhibition of water stabilizer GX series and their application[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2002 , 22(10) : 54 -55 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2002.22(10).54

