Present situation and prospect of the biological treatment of wastewater with high salinity
Received date: 2002-05-25
Online published: 2010-10-01
The progress in the researches on the biological treatment of wastewater with high salinity both at home and abroad is int roduced.The main methods used are two-stage bio-contact oxidation process, traditional activated-sludge process, sequencing batch reaction process, upflow anaerobic sludge bed process, anaerobic filter process,A2/O technique,etc.The operational conditions and treatment situations of these methods are introduced.The results show good effects have been gained after proper acclimation and under proper conditions.It has been pointed out that using halophilic organisms which have special adaptations for survival at high salinity is a prospective way to treat wastewater with high salinity.
WANG Zhixia, WANG Zhiyan, WU Zhouhu . Present situation and prospect of the biological treatment of wastewater with high salinity[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2002 , 22(11) : 1 -4 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2002.22(11).1
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