Study and application of ion exchange membrane technique to the treatment of metallurgy liquid waste
Received date: 2002-03-10
Online published: 2010-10-01
The ion exchange membrane technique,a kind of potential separat ion method, have broad prospects in the treatment of liquid waste.The study and application of it have been summarized in treating metallurgy liquid waste with the technique such as elect rodialysis,electromembrane processing and diffusion dialysis,etc.This technique can save both energy and raw material.The technics process is simple.There is no secondary pollution.The saline electrochemistry decomposition can also be realized.In this process,the component parts are fully recovered.The equipment is quite compact and easy to operate.However, as to industrialize this technique, the study of ion exchange membrane synthesis must be strengthened, and the equipment should be improved according to the characteristics of metallurgy liquid waste.The study and application can promote each other mutually.
TAN Lingyan, JIN Huijie . Study and application of ion exchange membrane technique to the treatment of metallurgy liquid waste[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2002 , 22(11) : 10 -12,18 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2002.22(11).10
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