Microbial flocculant applied to highly concentrated souring water

  • Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Tianjin Univ. of Science and Technology, Tianjin 300222, China

Received date: 2002-05-25

  Online published: 2010-10-01


The flocculation effect of microbial and chemical flocculants on the treatment of scouring water is studied.Pilot tests show the flocculation effect of microbial is better than chemical;COD removal is up to 85 %,removal of SS is 88 %.Water color becomes henna from gray and back.Using microbial flocculation does not cause second pollution and the cost of water treatment declines greatly.

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LIN Junyue, PANG Jinzhao, CAO Shifang, XUE Erjun . Microbial flocculant applied to highly concentrated souring water[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2002 , 22(12) : 37 -39 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2002.22(12).37


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