Direct determination of soluble phosphate in water by micro emulsion and first order derivative spectrophotometry

  • 1. Shenghua Refinery, Petroleum University, Dongying 257061, China;
    2. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Petroleum University, Dongying 257061, China

Received date: 2002-04-13

  Online published: 2010-10-01


A new method for the determination of soluble phosphate in water by micro emulsion and the first order derivative spectrophotometry is proposed. The λ max of phosphomolybdenum blue is changed because of OP micro emulsion,and the solubility and sensitivity are increased.The interference such as the suspension,micro amount of Si and As etc. can be effectively eliminated.A linear calibration curve is obtained in 0~1.92 mg/L with a detective limit of 0.007 mg/L and the recovery rate of 98%~101%. The method is very simple and accurate in comparison with the conventional spectrophotometry.

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Ge Shihui, Wang Lin . Direct determination of soluble phosphate in water by micro emulsion and first order derivative spectrophotometry[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2003 , 23(1) : 65 -66 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2003.23(1).65


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