Study on the treatment of discharged circulating cooling water for reuse in heat power plants
Received date: 2005-06-16
Online published: 2010-10-01
Compared with the current process of treating discharged circulating cooling water for reuse in heat power plants, a study on the processes, such as coagulation - ultrafiltration(UF) - reverse osmosis(RO) and clarification - filtration - UF - RO is carried out. The results show that, UF as the pretreatment of RO, has greater superoity. Although the treatment process can be simplified by using coagulation - UF - RO, the membrane flux is lower, and the general investment has not been lessened, but the operational reliability is low. The process of clarification - filtration - UF- RO has perfect effluent water quality ( the effluent SDI value of UF is less than 2, the desalination rate of RO is up to 99%) . UF membrane flux is up to 3 m3 /(m2·d) . The system runs reliably, and the maintenance cost is low. Therefore, it is a reasonable process.
Li Fuqin, Tang Yuegang, He Xuwen, Wang Zhiqiang, Wang Jian . Study on the treatment of discharged circulating cooling water for reuse in heat power plants[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2005 , 25(11) : 37 -39 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2005.25(11).37
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