Study and optimization on treatment of wastewater containing phenol and formaldehyde
Received date: 2002-06-07
Online published: 2010-10-01
The wastewater from a phenolic resins plant is treated by urea-phenol-formaldehyde basic co-condensation process.Based on uniform design and regression analysis,the effect of factors such as proportioning,catalyst,temperature and time of reaction on processing results is investigated.The optimum process is gained.After purified,99.8 %of phenol and 99.2 % of formaldehyde in the wastewater can be removed.The output meets the need of biological treatment,and a certain amount of phenolic resins can also be recovered.The optimization method can also be applied to increasing the yield of phenolic resins production
YAO Lin, YU Ping, LUO Yunbai, LIAO Dongmei . Study and optimization on treatment of wastewater containing phenol and formaldehyde[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2002 , 22(12) : 21 -23 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2002.22(12).21
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